
I first discovered photography in high school. It was a beginners class my sophomore year, which propelled into many more classes. By my senior year, I would spend hours in the darkrooms. Our instructor pushed us, let us fail, and taught us so much about photography. It was in this classroom, that God first placed a dream in my heart: I wanted to photograph people, I wanted to be a part of telling great stories.

So I applied to a college with an excellent photography program. And the dreams grew bigger. Yet all the while, something in my heart felt unsettled. As I wrestled with that, I discovered that God had different plans for me: Plans to attend a small college with no photography program. Sometimes when you follow God, things don't make sense. And so I walked away from a dream, never once forgetting it.

In school, I studied communications, had some amazing opportunities, and met Kenny. We got married a few weeks after graduation. Kenny worked for the church, while I worked as a guidance counselor in a high school.

And then, five and a half years ago, I picked up my camera and started to shoot again. A dream came back to life, and this time, I had the best person in the world beside me, Kenny.

Next month, marks the start of our fifth wedding season: We've learned so much. We've taken a lot of risks. There have been moments of failure. Followed by great moments too. Together, we have photographed over 65 weddings. We've worked really hard. We've met the most amazing people. And shared in some beautiful stories.

But mostly, we've seen God take a dream that began twelve years ago, and bring it full circle, only this time, making it better.

I believe that God places things in our hearts that He fully intends to see happen. Most of the time, the journey will test our patience, our resilience and our character. Yet, the end result will be inspiring, as God pieces together the things that never made sense, to create a dream that is better than we could ever imagine.

We pray we will always have the courage to follow God, especially when it seems hardest. Much Love Friends, K and K

And just this week, we launched our fresh website. Feel free to see it here.